Posts by Bigman 37
July 27, 2010
Yesterday I spent all day from 7.00am through to 6.30pm trying to get another Blog up and running. What a nightmare that was, it's still not My idea was to create a single Landing Style Page from a Wordpress Blog. I had my Product and Keyword Phrase (this is a physical product from Amazon). Marketing physical products is exactly the same as marketing digital. I am currently using Wordpress 3 with the addtional Directories activated which makes it a Multi-Blog (similar to WPMU). I
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July 26, 2010
1. Google may be a nightmare at time when it loses that all important article that you have taken ages to write - don't worry it will return. 2. My Site hasn't ranked what do I do? - keep adding more relevant content, create Backlinks and perform Basic SEO, Meta Header Descriptions, Tags etc, Boring I know, but it does pay off. 3. Always be on the Lookout for ways to improve your sites - create or add a background colour for your site, nothing too bright otherwise your visitors will be reaching
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October 16, 2009
How I loathe writing articles for this Still they do give the best traffic even though they are very picky. Well I decided enough is enough no longer am I going to be trodden on by the admin of this site. This time I am going to go for Platinum Status!!!! And I don't care, How many articles it's going to take me?  When I blow my top because these (very nice people) throw out one of my articles because yet again they don't understand what an RSS Feed is PLEASE, PLEASE rem
September 23, 2009
I'm having huge amounts of fun doing this even if I do sound like a  My Video
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September 19, 2009
Social Bookmarking what a drag, registering and confirming the emails. I know it's a good way of getting backlinks but it is oh so time consuming.
September 05, 2009
Haven't been on here much, managed to crack to of my ribs whilst unloading my car, fell against the wall.  Mighty painful it is.  
July 23, 2009
This is cool, so you can chat with your buddies, make new friends and Blog as well, awesome stuff.