Posts by Bigman 37
November 09, 2011
July 31, 2011
For all the Birthday Wishes. It turned into a double celebration as a good friend of mine was cleared of having Cancer so we polished off several bottles of Stella Artois Cidre, if you have never drank this, it goes down really nice. Plus a few bottles of  Wolf Blass Sparkling Wine. You don't want to know about the jaded feeling the next But after a hearty fried breakfast I felt a lot better and got ready to watch the Qualification Round of the Hungarian Grand Prix. Saturday N
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July 29, 2011
I have reached the Grand Old Age of 50.  Doesn't time fly when you are having fun. I have experienced many good things along with the not so good and seen many changes. Haven't done a great deal today, except went out and bought some Jam Doughnuts to have for breakfast. They did taste good. I know I'm bit Later on I will be sampling the Amber Nectar which is chilling nicely in the fridge. Cheers Neil
July 22, 2011
Just done a new post about the Wordbooker Plugin and a Facebook Page, a new video will follow on from this teaching you how to get your new posts to be shown on that Page. Neil
I am very happy that I have made some sales even though they are not the targeted ones I was after but a sale is a sale.  Check out my Success Post; 
July 08, 2011
Have some good news the Campaign Walkthrough that I am doing is moving along nicely. The amount of work involved is amazing as I seem to be doing everything in duplicate and sometimes triplicate but I do hope my fellow readers are getting the gist of what's involved. If you haven't taken a look here's the link;  Please feel free to leave me Comments on what I have done so far or anything that I haven't covered. Or if yo
There are times in our lives when we have to cope with the most painful of experiences. On Wednesday I received a telephone call saying that my Sister Nina was gravely ill in hospital from James, my Brother-in-Law. At that time she wasn't allowed any visitors (apart from James) because Nina needed rest because she had taken a severe knock back from a viral infection. The only way to communicate with James at the hospital was via text messages, which isn't very easy for me as I'm rubbish at typin
November 15, 2010
Well had fantastic day watching all my favourite sports on Sunday. 5 hours of F1 including the Forum on BBC 1. Sebastien Vettell against all odds became World Champion, which I was pleased about. So Red Bull won both the Constructors and Driver Championship. McClaren who are may main Team with Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button came in second and third which gave them second place in the Constructor's Championship which makes a huge difference in Sponsorship Revenue next year.  After this I
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November 12, 2010
I am a huge Formula 1 fan and have been watching this sport for many years.  This is one weekend when everything gets put to oneside. This is the last Race of the 2010 Season and although I'm pretty much sure who is going to win the Driver's Championship it still isn't cut and dried until the chequered flag on Sunday.  Will it be; Mark Webber Sebastian Vettell or Fernando Alonso. Really I would like Lewis Hamilton to win it but as much as I do have a huge amount of faith in this young
July 28, 2010
After a lot of adjustments and finding out why I couldn't link to an image the Blog is now LIVE. Linking to images - this was the fun part!! Wordpress has an inbuilt loader for installing pictures or so you think but the trouble with it is that it doesn't store it anywhere. So what you have to do is upload the picture to a Folder on your Hosting then you can get the link needed to place in the Wordpress Installer otherwise you will get a 404 error page saying the image doesn't exist. Now I have