Backtracking I'm Going to Do

Last Update: July 31, 2010

August is going to be catch-up month for me.

 I'm the most random abstract person you've ever met, most likely. Like a butterfly, I flit here, there and everywhere, tasting the best of everything but focusing only where I find an absolute passion.

 Luckily, I don't have the pressure of having to make money, although I can use more, always. I also don't desire lots of material things. Give me my computer, my books, an Internet connection and a printer and I'm a happy girl.

 I do want this, along with my online writing gigs, to work.

In reading Arbie's post on Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, I pulled out my old copy--yes, I bought it years ago--and found another similar book entitled, An Introduction to the Millionaire Mind, by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. I did skim back through it, having read it long ago, although I won't let myself get sidetracked away from my WA/writing schedule next week.

 Dr. Stanley lists the top five factors most often mentioned by millionaires as being most important in explaining their economic success. I couldn't help but measure myself against these criteria and where I come up short hit me like a bullet. 

1.  Integrity--being honest with all people:  I've got this one down okay. It's been important to me since I saw the look in my mother's eyes when I "stole" an Avon lipstick sample (yes, those tiny white ones) from my aunt's make-up cabinet. She had dozens of them, so I figured they were samples and she wouldn't miss one. I was eleven at the time and I knew it was wrong. 

My mom found it in my pocket and just looked at me. I've done my best to be honest, especially with myself, ever since.

2.  Discipline--Oh, gee. No. 2 on the list. It's my downfall. I told you I'm Miss Random Abstract incarnate. More later.

3.  Social Skills--Getting along with people. Piece of cake for me. I was born and bred in the teacher patch and have been a teacher all my life.

4.  A supportive spouse--Oh, this is my second greatest gift. My first was my baby sister when I was two. I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive of everything I do, no matter how far-fetched.

5.  Hard work--Hey, I finished college in 2 1/2 years, sent myself, and did a Master's while I was teaching high school and yearbook workshops. I don't mind hard work. Thrive on it, even.

So -- there. I've found MY problem. I also know how to solve it. 

It's discipline. And this little blog, along with my control journal--which I'm starting tomorrow--will keep  me accountable.

My first goal is to meet my writing deadlines for this week-end. I think I have three articles due by the end of the month. Just three. 

A wedding and family stuff. (That's important) 

Get my control journal set up and in working order (including defining my hot spots).

Go back and make sure I've done EVERYTHING in my PotPieGirl materials. I keep reading that I learned this in PotPieGirl's eBooks. I read most of her material, but I didn't do it. So, I'm not letting myself go down the WA yellow brick road too far until I've printed out my PPG material and DONE what she said do.

After I've printed out my PPG material and organized it, I get chocolate.

Want to join me? I know where there's an entire bag of the stuff.


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Fallulah Premium
Ahhh - I never though of myself as a butterfly before. I like that. It's much prettier than being a undisciplined flitter [lol]. A blog / journal is a great way of keeping yourself on track. I like a list of jobs to do that I can tick off as well. Doesn't matter if I keep adding to it as long as I can see what I've been doing. Somehow keeps me on track and sane(ish). Great post Carrie :)
maureenhannan Premium
Like you, I am random-abstract and find the discipline of staying fully on task (in a linear, logical, checklist way) to be my greatest challenge. A friend of mine who is a lot like me said, "You just need to find systems that work for you--and 'work your systems' until they become second nature. I think that's what the PPG materials are offering you--and it sounds like you're on your way to doing exactly what you need to do, Carrie. Wishing you every success! ~ Maureen
Moonstone Premium
Great post. The millionaires I have learned from have said that passion is the key. Will power/discipline will only carry you so far. If you are passionate, have a driving dream you will do what needs to be done and put in the action needed to succeed. So find your reason WHY and everything else will follow.
Carrie Premium
Joan, thanks for reading. I'm so much like you in this regard. I just wrote an article on back-to-school supplies and it ended up being a reminiscence about 3-ring binders. When it's posted, I'll send you the link. It amazes me what goes as necessary school supplies. Advertising and marketing--yes--did that to us. Remember those days when we had a choice of buying white underwear? And white sneakers. One style. $3.00. Worn to summer camp so the oyster shells in the sounds wouldn't hurt our feet. And one color in tennis shoes--white--and they were for playing tennis, I guess. I never bought them.

Along came Nike.

Don't even get me started on marketing cell phones to teens and bottled water.

Here I've gone into the Devil's den, I suppose. As Huxley wrote in "Brave New World," "Consume! Consume! Consume!"

Look what it's done to us already. I'm laughing as I write this, but there is so much truth in the layers.
moonvine Premium
we are much alike. that discipline area is the one that gets me. but I do think that most of us have family responsibilities, and it's tough to always meet our on line goals, but that is why we do this, right? so we can be available to family?
note: I print out all kinds of ebooks, especially those by potpiegirl --on pre-punched 3 ring paper and put in 3 ring binders. I work more naturally in 3 ring binders -- like a school kid! it does help me stay organized and i can write on all the pages and paper clip important things I want to try, etc. and I just read in the forum that folks are doing the same with the WA lessons. I love that idea! so I am going to do those too! If I am picking up the grands at school, I can study one of my binders! :)