A Wee Bit about Me

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Introduction: A Wee Bit about Me

Today is my third day here. For everyone who has welcomed me, thank you for making me feel at home. For anyone checking me out to see if I'll be a "good" friend, my best traits are that I'm trustworthy, maintain a healthy distance from all things spammy and I'll be upfront with you about my motives here. 

 Currently, I'm not promoting any affiliate links, although that will change as I'm a big fan of PotPieGirl already and I do write for a couple of online sites. I may just end up posting a couple of links before too long. For now, if you want to know about any of them, just send me a note. 

 In other words, I'm not after your pocketbook, even though I  like the looks of Fatwallet's wallet. Just teasing.

 About me: I've always been a Jill of many interests. Lots of my hobbies have made money. Hey, I've always been a high school English teacher, so my avocations usually involved making money to support my book-and classroom-material habit for my day job.

 My personal writing has been on the back burner for many years. Article writing these days has been a new learning experience because of my background. An English major loves metaphors, and boy, was I an English major (advanced degrees even). I adore teaching literature, which means I am highly enamored of metaphors.

Metaphors screw up everything on the Internet search engines. Letting go of them . . . .I still can't bear to think of doing so. I literally think in metaphors, symbols and images, not to mention archetypes and such.

Those Google spiders threatened to do me in, but I've whipped out my trusty broomstick and am trying to at least send them back into their corners.

Oh -- my photo is an old one, too. I'm definitely Internet shy when it comes to pictures and real life. It was one I had on the hard drive here. I'm older in this photo. I look good to be 110 years old, don't I?

If you wish me as much good luck and success on my online journey as I do you, then we're all going to succeed. I tend to enjoy the journey more so than the getting there, but that ideal comes with age and experience. It really is about the journey, I've found. Enjoy every day of it, even the frustrating, spider-filled ones. 

Now, back to work. I've yet to determine if spiders are a good thing or a bad thing. I think we want them -- badly.

 Take care!



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Carrie Premium
I'll be delighted to help any way I can, moonvine. I love that name. Reminds me of 'hollyhock' for some reason. New is good because I don't want to be the greenest one in the crowd.

jatdebeaune, my novel has been abandoned and lies in state in my closet for the time being. I couldn't decide how to end it. Now, I may never get back to it.
moonvine Premium
And now we have resident English teachers, you both can help us keep our grammar right, right? :) Welcome! I am new too and we will all learn and succeed together!
jatdebeaune Premium
Carrie, You and Maureen seem to have similar backgrounds. English lit will serve you well. You'll write good articles, but I'm waiting for novels from both of you.
maureenhannan Premium
Welcome, Carrie! I enjoyed your post. I used to teach high school English too. And I agree, there is no place for metaphors and clever little plays on words in this biz. But it does reward good research and writing skills...at least, that's what I'm banking on. :-) ~ Maureen