About Christel
Joined September 2008
Aloha Everyone,

My name is Christel and I'm very excited to be here at WA, as an aspiring internet marketer! I currently own a business in the Honolulu area... been going at it for 2 years now and it's been great!

I joined WA because it is one of my biggest dreams to reach out to as many people as I possibly can over the web, whether if it's selling a product or simply helping others find what they are searching for. =) I've always wanted to own an internet business.

I'm truly looking forward to making it BIG as an IM! I realize there is a lot to learn, but even the most successful people had to start somewhere. I desire to know more about this affiliate program and those people that are involved. I'm also here to make some great friends, so I welcome all of you!

Good luck to you and your successes! Let's make great things happen!

Thank you,
Christel's Accomplishments

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Mr Lee Premium
Well well Hello there!
Havent you got the nicest smile on WA :)

I wish you all the luck in the world sweetheart!
Mr Lee Premium
Yeah Ireland is beautiful, next summer Im going to be filming a road trip film thats going to show the beauty of ireland.

To be honest I got off to a great start first week I made a few sales, I broke even but then after that week my girlfriend broke up with me so Im in the recovery stage lol havent felt like doing much until now.

I will get back into it and on track I have a friend that will be joining WA soon and we'll be writing articles together.

Go through all the lessons and dont jump into pay per click too soon lol I spent a lot but broke even in the end.
I think the best way to go is probably bum marketing until you understand it all better.
Christel Premium
Hey Mr Lee,
Nice to meet cha! Thanks for the compliment... I'm very happy to be here! =) So, what's it like in Ireland? Never been there... but I've heard it's beautiful! I see you joined just last month... how do you like it? What's your progress like? Hope you're kickin some butt... lol

Good luck to you too!
gueorgui Premium
Hey Christel,

It's always a pleasure to meet another person who has big dreams and who doesn't just dream, but makes it happen. Let's make great things happen:) I'd like to add you as a buddy.

Christel Premium
Aloha Gueorgui,
Thanks! It's a pleasure to meet you as well! =) I see you already have great experience in the marketing field along with optimizing web pages... that's awesome! Keep it up! =)

Good luck to you...
C. Premium
Welcome to WA :)
C. Premium
Nice to meet you too.
Aloha back at ya. :)
Christel Premium
Hi there Mr. Entrepreneur,
Thanks for the warm welcome! I have to check out your sites now...

Hope to talk to ya soon! =)
Micky Premium
best of luck
Christel Premium
Thanks! Best of luck to you too.... =)
Dave B Premium

Nice eyes...Like the cat as well

Dave B
Dave B Premium
LOL! The boys get their looks from the EX wife (and my mum). I missed out somehow but I make up for it by being just downright cheeky!
Christel Premium
Aloha Dave,

Thanks for the compliments! Seems like you know what you're doing... I might have to steal a few tips from you soon! =)
You have great looking kids.... I see the little one got a head start! That's amazing! WOW!

Well, nice to meet you... have a great day! =)