About KemanS
Joined July 2009
I'm not sure what to put in here but here goes...
I am sorry for not having a picture of myself, but I only have one on this computer of me with my recently acquired AA diploma from the U. of Phoenix (online) and I do not like that picture. So I posted this one, it is of Skyline Drive. I love to vacation there and if you have never been there and love the outdoors...you gotta go visit!
About me..Well, I live in the country in Western MD, we have a big yard and I keep a pretty big garden. I love to work outside, exercise, garden, hike, walk, hunt, fish, and read ... well I like to work and keep busy. Mom calls me a workaholic...and I consider that a compliment. I just acquired my little AA degree, and achieved a 3.95 GPA of which I am very proud of at 44. It took lots of hard work as I am sure you are aware of..7 days a week and sometimes 10 hours a day. Yeah it was hard, but from my experience it is the hard times that shape us and build character. I like to say that all the growth is in the valley, and you get stronger on the climb to the top. At the top you only have a great view, ice, and snow.
I got started in internet marketing about 3 weeks ago when I got disgusted with the jobs available. I looked around made some money is Google Adwords...then lost more (won't say how much). I am not a violent man...but I would like to take a hammer to google adwords!! LOL. I found Bum Marketing and since I enjoy writing and seem to have a bit of a gift for it, I have been doing that also. Although I realize article marketing is a numbers game and I have roughly about a dozen or so out there that are getting lots of attention, I haven't made any money off of it...but it is fun.
I really really want my own website and have two things I want to market. One is I want to market products that help people like...BP cures, ADHD, Diabetic Diets...you get the idea. Plus I also want to market vitamins...one online store in particular. I think with the gov't taking over health care...this would be the next market to get in on.
I have to share also that I find IM a rush! I think this is what I was meant to do. It is fun, challenging, yes frustrating, but there is always tons to learn and do.
I want to make y'all and my family proud and be successful ... so I promise you and them that I will work 6 days a week and 10 hours a day to do this.
I feel like I Have to do this.
If this is too long...I apologize.
KemanS's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
kemanS Premium
Thank you for answering my question.

Hmm...it seems I made a mistake and posted my blog entry for yesterday on the buddy talk...so this Buddy Talk is sort of like a chat room huh?
kemanS Premium
Hi there NEAO3...
Thank you, I am glad to be helping someone that way. Do no worry about the typo...my name is Kevin for all in here...but that ID was already taken and I just came up with that.
Have a super day!,
kemanS Premium
Hey there my Friends!
I have a question...
I was in the Learning Center reading the tutorial "Getting Started" and it told me to go to the Beginner Level Resources and read up in there.
My question is: Where is the Beginner Level Resources????

I cannot seem to find it.
kemanS Premium
oh...I should not that I was reading the Junior Level Learning Center Resources
sb055 Premium
Hi there!
I was tempted to jump into the PPC market too. Then I started hearing about all of the risks..Scared me off.
Today I read a great article written by PotPieGirl in the Success Forum. "Post 1000 from PotPieGirl". Great info on how to do article marketing, step by step. Now I am going back to the Penny Pincher Marketing Techniques section. Things are making a lot more sense to me now. A bit more at my pace and risk level. Good Luck! Sandra
sb055 Premium
I plan on getting her download soon. There is another great one by Travis about bummarkets I'm gonna read too.
Congrats on the AA. That's where I am too in IS. I consider this my BS.
kemanS Premium
Hi Sandra,
I am a fellow newbie too. Yes, I got bit by the Google adwords biz...so I am going with my strengths, which will be article marketing. Yes PotPotGIrl does have an incredible post in there, I also found a link to an ebook she wrote about article marketing in the forum. It is a free download and I want to read it soon.
I added you to my buddy list, if that is ok.

If you didn't find the introductions I made mine in the Forum, they have a place for it there.
As far as these buddy talk messages...they seem to pop up into our profile spaces and into another place that lists them all.
I enrolled in the 8 week Action Plan...have you done that?
NEA03 Premium
WOW Kerman you get me pumped up and excited to do this, keep up the blog, your a great motivationer.
NEA03 Premium
oh sorry i typed kerman and not keman lol
Mitchell Allen Premium
Hey there. I saw your "Day 6" post and was thinking about doing my blog here the same way. Too bad Firefox wouldn't let me edit my spelling mistakes. Nice to meet you!
kemanS Premium
Hi there Mitchell Allen, I responded to you but didn't know how to use this thing.
Nice blog entry here, I am going to check out some of your tips.

Nice to meet you,
kurri Premium
Hi Kemans,

Welcome to WA! Great Blog entry ... take all that study energy, hard work ethic, dedication and apply here at WA! Great to have you!
kurri Premium
Regarding the the WA affiliate program .... Yes! you can use your link to post ads in online classifieds .... you became a member of the affiliate program when you joined WA. The next level "Super Affiliate" - you will need to join that program.
kurri Premium
Hey Kemans,
I saw your blog entry ... and wanted to send you some encouragement. Be strong ... and remember take lots of breaks!

Just one other thing ... to post a reply to anyone - you need to click the image of the person and post in their Buddy Talk. All the best!
kemanS Premium
Thank you for the encouragement, I really appreciate it.
I've got some articles in USFreeAds that are getting really good attention...but no sales yet.

Sounds like you have a full head of steam built up and are charging ahead, good job!

Keep at it and you will reach your goal!
kemanS Premium
Hi Kurri,

Thank you for the encouragement. I really appreciate it. Life outside of my online business in here was very hard yesterday.
Thank you for the tip on responding to people in here too...it is a bit confusing.
I wish you the best my friend.
