Getting Started With The Affiliate Program

Last Update: June 21, 2010

After snooping around this site for a little while, I figure it is finally time to get familiar with some of the tools available on WA, and actually do something productive. I hate to admit it but it seems that something that should be an easy 20 minute project always takes me an hour. Things just take me three times longer than they should. Oh well, I guess that is my curse.

What I mean are tools like Site Rubix, and Rapid Writer to name a couple. I want to kick myself because I should have already learned about them and started implementing them. I don't even have an affiliate site up yet to promote WA, or a landing page with affiliate links in it I should say. A good landing page is a story for another day because I didn't realize until recently that they are important.

I did read somewhere on here that review sites convert like crazy, but I have no idea if that is true or not, it seems logical to me though. But that brings me to my main point.

There are many great tutorials here about article marketing and many low budget ways to start making money online. If I understand them correctly there are a few ways to go about that. Writing a certain amount of articles per day that point to your landing page, around 350 to 400 words and then submitting them to sites like ezine or goarticles to name a couple. 

I feel though that I should pick one aspect of Internet marketing and learn all I can about that one aspect. Maybe after that I can move onto other things.The only reason I say that is because I am new to this.

To begin with I really wanted to promote WA, but after reading a few posts in the forum it got me thinking. The price increase is going to make it very hard for a person like me that has no list to earn any kind of commission with the affiliate program here. I may be wrong, but that seems like the general theme going around.

So I guess that just means I will have to learn what a list is, how I go about getting a list, and how to build a site that is going to convert. 

If there are any people out there with some free time that understand all about list building and would be willing to lend a helping hand please feel free to send me a message. It would be greatly appreciated. Greatly, greatly appreciated. 

Ok enough of my begging. Gonna go do some more studying.

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moonvine Premium
I am in a similar situation and have decided to take one thing to focus on each month and produce according to that plan and then move on. There is simply no way to learn it all at once.
Alex604 Premium
I enjoyed the post, keep working at it! I'm in a similar situation.