Haven't Posted For A Long Time

Last Update: August 31, 2010

Alright so I haven't spent too much time recently here at WA I have been following along with Ed Dale and the Challenge. I have learned a great deal and have spent a lot of time working on my first real website. 

I figured it was about time I jumped back here and see what was happening, but would also love to get some feedback about my site and what I could be doing to make it better (which is going to be tons, I know).  I still have much more content that needs to be added. Many parts are missing so I am just wanting feed back to find out if I am going in the right direction is all.

I am trying to write original content but have wondered about PLR articles because I don't really know much about them, or if I can use them for content on my site. 

So anyway here is the link: Cymbal Percussion

It has actually been very addictive working with wordpress and doing SEO and all that cool stuff. I find it fun, many probably don't but I don't know. At least now I am moving in the right direction.

If I shouldn't be adding links in my posts to my sites please let me know and I will remove it. Not sure on the rules around here.

What I am really looking for is positive feedback and tips to help me improve if anyone has the time and feels like taking a quick look.

Thanks everyone 


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