I need to log in here more

Last Update: December 02, 2010

I have to say I feel a little bad about not logging into my account here nearly as much as I would like, but I have been spending alot of time actually working on websites. 

I have been reading over the warrior forum and have been in contact with a cool guy by the name of Colin McDougall. He has taught me a good deal about IM.

The only problem is I am currently working full time and don't spend nearly as much time as I would like on my new found passion.

It is really funny, but for some strange reason I just can't help but love to do this.

Anyhow, the new word for today is LSI. I think it stands for latent semantic indexing. A term that was new to me until he told me about it, but I read on a forum about it and I think it is a pretty cool way to go as far as helping you get your main keyword indexed higher. 

That and building backlinks, they seem to be two of the key factors in getting a high ranking in google.

Talk to you all later.

Andrew Duley


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stevedevane Premium
Hi Andrew,
I have a buddy who talks a lot about making sure your websites are "properly themed," which is his way of describing LSI. I agree with Jimmy that if you provide good, relevant content, LSI tends to take care of itself. It is still helpful, however, to keep it in mind.
Best wishes for your continued success.
jimmywrex Premium
I don't worry about LSI too much because if you're providing lots and lots useful researched info on the page you should end up using the LSI words by default
jatdebeaune Premium
Combination WA and Warrior Forum is powerful. Hard to find time for all of it, but so worthwhile. Thanks for the tip on LSI.