The Hardest Part Is Starting

Last Update: June 18, 2010

First off I would like to say thanks to all who responded to my first post here on WA. It is really nice to have friendly people that are really here to help. Or in other words, genuine people.

It is refreshing to read posts by people that aren't just spitting out the same old stuff about how easy it is to make money online. Or how they make a hundred thousand dollars a month if you just follow these 3 easy steps. 

In reality it only stands to reason that it is just like any other job. You really do have to work at it. The hardest part it seems is actually digging through all of the useless information floating around the internet right now. Finding what is useful information and committing yourself to learning it.

I have to say being so new at this, it still is a challenge for me to pick one aspect of internet marketing and go with it. Like I have read over and over again you have to do something. Anything. Just get started.

The more you do the more you will learn. If something doesn't work at least you have the experience under your belt to know that next time you have to tweak it or try something else to see what works. Just keep at it and eventually you will see results. I am really looking forward to the day when I log into clackbank and see that I have made my first sale.

So if I am like the majority of people starting out in IM, my head starts to hurt when I read how important it is to have a list. And sending them weekly updates. Not too often or you will chase them away, but not too few because that isn't good either. How do I even get a list and what am I selling? How do I get a product and then how do I go about promoting it?

  • Squeeze pages
  • Opt-in lists
  • Double opt-ins (I might have made that one up)
  • Auto responder
  • Backing up wordpress (How do I do that?)
  • Press releases

Those are just a few of the things that are swirling around in my head. I have heard of them but have no clue how to implement them. But I will keep pressing on and hopefully one of these days it will click. Or maybe those are way over my head and I shouldn't worry about that right now anyway.

And now onto other things. I am going to log into a website I made that is in need of some major work, and hopefully learn some things about wordpress.


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jatdebeaune Premium
You're right Duley. It's just like any business. Takes work and concentration. What's great is that you keep learning and implementing new ideas to see if they'll work for you. Feels great to get results. If you don't, then you try it another way. All the best to you.