Vision Boards

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Day 5 for me and I'm keeping up.  My Vision Boards remind me to keep going forward so my dreams don't evaporate into thin air, disappear somewhere into a big black hole and I don't even know it.  Every morning, noon and night they stare back at me, reminding me of comittments I have made to myself.  Breaking a comittment to myself is almost worse than breaking a comittment to someone else because it signals my lack of value for myself.  Can't let that happen!!

Today I'm writing about Vision Boards because so many inquired as to what they are, how one goes about making them and how does one add them to their toolbox for creating after my last post to my blog.  So here goes....  I've used Vision Boards for as long as I can remember.  Once I learned from Jose Sylva years ago how the sub conscious works I began using Vision Boards as a way to speak to and train my sub conscious.  "What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve".  Vision Boards help with developing our imagination and while knowledge is essential and good, knowledge has limits, imagination has no limits. 

How to make Vision Boards.  I suppose there are all kinds of ways I haven't even thought of; I use a 3' X 2' or 3" blank 1/4" Poster Board that I buy at Walmart or an office supply store in any color of my choosing and bring it home to begin my "vision journey" for whatever it is I want to accomplish.  As I begin this journey I look for pictures and symbols in magazines, on line, newspapers, books etc., that I can print out, cut them out and paste them on my vision board.  Looking for things that represent what I want to create for myself,  also deepens my committment to create action that has basically started with the making of my vision board.  Now in the process of that development and looking all the time for pictures, articles, etc to put on my Vision Boards I am training my sub conscious and staying on track with my goals.  This has always worked for me and believe me when that Vision Board looks back at you morning, noon and night, you are reminded of what you have said your goals in life are, goal by goal.

Vision Boards are also fun to make.  Colors that appeal to us, bringing our own personality into the design and the process of always looking for some picture or symbol to remind you of that dream that began with your big WANT.  I think it has to be said here that Vision Boards are not a "pie in the sky" concept, you MUST CREAT ACTION but the pictures and symbols remind one of the actioms to keep taking and keep us on track when the going gets rough and we might consider "giving up".  Vision Boards keep our dreams right in front of our nose so dreams don't slip away; they may change as we develop on the path we choose but they don't slip away in the business of life and all that we are required to do from day to day.  Just the making of a Vision Board is a step toward your comittment to yourself that you will do the work to achieve what you have set out to do.  For me it's just one tool that I use to keep on track but it has become an important tool.

If I can help you with questions you might have about Vision Boards; how you engage with them, develop them or go about creating them from a blank poster board, just let me know.  I'm here to help because from my experience when we get "lost" on the path to our dreams and we will more than a few times, any help we can get to stay on track is both important and much needed.

To Your Success,



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