No Rest for the Wicked

Last Update: June 09, 2010

It's now late and I'm almost blind from spending so many hours on the computer.  My house looks like a science project waiting to happen and the dogs want to be fed.  What to do?  Oh just one more buddy added to my list......Will sleep well because I've started building my buddy list and leaving messages of encouragement for others.  Nice to know that I now belong to a community of people who want not only success for themselves but for others too and that help is just a click away.  Also really nice to connect with other around the world again and enjoy other cultures thru this daily network of communication - creating within a community really is the best.  So back at this tomorrow, NO REST FOR THE WICKED I'm told.   So I'll dream as I'm rich and famous I will have forgotten how much work this has been. 

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maureenhannan Premium
Yes, creating within a community really IS best. I could not agree more, Easyrider. Thanks for your message--it's nice to connect with another freelance writer. Hope you slept well and woke up to more buddy requests. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome easyrider. Yes, you can really forget about time when you are learning new things on your computer. Wish you all the best for a successful journey. Did the dogs get fed?