Posts by Easyrider 4
June 11, 2010
Day 5 for me and I'm keeping up.  My Vision Boards remind me to keep going forward so my dreams don't evaporate into thin air, disappear somewhere into a big black hole and I don't even know it.  Every morning, noon and night they stare back at me, reminding me of comittments I have made to myself.  Breaking a comittment to myself is almost worse than breaking a comittment to someone else because it signals my lack of value for myself.  Can't let that happen!! Today I'm
Today, as I go into my fourth day with WA and my fourth lesson, I am reminded of what Nelson Mandela once said  "There is no passion to be found playing small -in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living". This is the mind set I have carried with me for most of my life and this is the mind set I bring to the work I do with WA.  It is many times easier to "just go along", "just settle", "just make do", and come
June 09, 2010
It's now late and I'm almost blind from spending so many hours on the computer.  My house looks like a science project waiting to happen and the dogs want to be fed.  What to do?  Oh just one more buddy added to my list......Will sleep well because I've started building my buddy list and leaving messages of encouragement for others.  Nice to know that I now belong to a community of people who want not only success for themselves but for others too and that help is just a clic
June 09, 2010
I'm making my way thru the lessons one by one, hoping to keep all this new information in my head.  There is a lot to learn but I am determined to learn it all and just take one step at a time. Must work on my buddy list today and tomorrow and then onward and upward.