Last Update: June 10, 2010

Today, as I go into my fourth day with WA and my fourth lesson, I am reminded of what Nelson Mandela once said

 "There is no passion to be found playing small -in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living".

This is the mind set I have carried with me for most of my life and this is the mind set I bring to the work I do with WA.  It is many times easier to "just go along", "just settle", "just make do", and come with all the necessary stories and justifications of doing so.  In doing so, we end up with a less than desireable life.  We  trip over our own feet, get in our own way and become unaware that WE, ourselves build a mind set that will deliver the life we want or not serve us well over the long haul.   If things don't work out,  we point the finger at others, our childhood or the circumsances we find ourselves in, for not arriving at the place we wanted to find ourselves.  Take a deep breath and ask yourself "Whose in Charge anyway"?  We are in charge, each and every one of us. Taking personal responsibility for where we find ourselves is a duanting realization I know.  But, once we do, it is an awareness we never forget.  Like they said in Virginia Wolf, "you can't go back home again" (meaning to where you were before the new found awareness).

As my now 86 yr old mentor in Yoga from Chicago says "to create big change, you have to have a "big WANT".  In working with WA and creating successful businesses on line that will create value for myself and others is My Big Want.

I hope for those of you who visit and read my blog will join with me in creating YOUR big want, something that has you be so excited and so passionate that you can't wait to begin the next day, the next hour, the next minute.  Be so committed that you will do whatever it takes to create this success for yourself and participate in the help others need to do the same.  Create change by creating that BIG WANT and without invalidating or hanging on to successes or failures you've had before, that was THEN, this is NOW. 

 I've created a vision board for myself with pictures of what I want to create, it hangs in my office above my computer and another beside my bed.  I cannot get up, go to work or go to sleep without seeing my vision board.  It's this process that allows my dreams to stay alive, stay within my site and remind me on the most difficult days (and we all have them) what my big WANT is and each step I take or don't take either gets me closer or further away.  Remember when you were a teenager?  Then a young adult?  Then a middle aged adult or an older adult?  You had dreams.  Where did they go?  It's easy in a busy day to day life to lose site of our dreams - my Vision Board does not let that happen.

You might want to try it, it works for me and it might work for you too. 

These are my personal thoughts for today, day 4 where I continue to ask myself "What is my big WANT"?  For the answer to that questions gets me to day 5 and all the other days thereafter.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I have a beautiful large hatbox that I use like a vision board. Anything I wish to happen, I put in that box. I think a visualization board is an even better idea, because you can look at it every day. Yes, it's great to start each day afresh. Otherwise you can run the risk of being like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. Past successes are the past. This is a new day.
moonvine Premium
I do love Vision Boards and am in the process of making a new one for the Summer of 2010 and my new experience at WA!
warrenhw Premium
Love the quote. And that's a great process to follow with the vision board. Thanks for sharing.
Roqdil Premium
Like they said in Virginia Wolf, "you can't go back home again" (meaning to where you were before the new found awareness).

This is it! I cann't go home again.'Am on the road now. I got to keep moving to the next level.
Yea, I'll adopt the vision board strategy. Though mine will be in text on cardboard. You're likely an artist.
Good thinking, Easyrider
Roqdil Premium
Like they said in Virginia Wolf, "you can't go back home again" (meaning to where you were before the new found awareness).

This is it! I cann't go home again.'Am on the road now. I got to keep moving to the next level.
Yea, I'll adopt the vision board strategy. Though mine will be in text on cardboard. You're likely an artist.
Good thinking, Easyrider