Posts by Epic Noob 15
After only recently starting out, I'm building quite the little portfolio now with over 150 articles written ranging from 300 words toover 1,000! It's great to start building relationships with customers where you know exactly wht they want so all they have to do is send me their keyword and I'm away. ;) Here're some of the WA members I've already worked with and some of their comments!  - metrika - Eureka - Jrob - moonvine - FloridaAffiliate - heathernsami - mywa32 - Ryan Hart  "
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Hey WAs, If you didn't know, I'm currently offering my article writing service to WA members at discounted prices and it's off to a great start, so I figured I'd post up a little feedback I received!  "Will, This is excellent. This article you just wrote is exactly what I am looking for." ~metrika "These are really great and soooo fast....thank you." ~mywa32  If you need some articles written then my prices are as follows: 5 Articles (1 day) => $20 - $4.00 Per
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June 19, 2010
Howdy, I'm offering to write a number of articles to build your backlinks and increase your pagerank. First of all, I CAN KEEP TARGETS. But I've naturally got other commitments so I can't be writing 100 articles a day obviously. I'm a fast, coherent and fluid writer, so my estimate below of 5 per customer is based on having a number of jobs at the same time. If I have few cutomers I'll be able to increase this number of article submits per day. For samples of my work, see below: Top 5 Free Wa
So I've had a few unsuccessful weeks that have left me a little down in the dumps, but after a few inspiring blog posts I'm pumped to get back in the game! To celebrate, I began my WA super affiliate campaign - creating a fresh blog and an accompanying Hub to boot! You can't let setbacks get you down in this game, it's those who wade through the difficulties that end up succeeding after all.  So here I am for the long run guys!
...Due to exams currently looming on the horizon, but never fear, I'm still plugging at my articles on the side.  So here's my plan: I aim to make a firm $1 every day from adsense. I'll write as many quality articles as it takes until I reach that goal, and analyse which articles have the best click through rate. From there, I'll adopt that style until I make a firm $2 a day. Rinse and repeat. You see where I'm going with this..? ;) My goal is to make a firm $5 every day. That would be bad
I know this is a total downer 'cause everyone on here seems to be totally chirpy and making major bank, but I just felt like I've made a load of bum deals. I don't think my articles are capable of making sales solely because I get no traffic, and I know I'm meant to be blogging about them, but my blog's in the same state! No traffic there either! My PPC invoice made me squint a lot too.  But really, all you need is someone to come along and get you back on track. I think we all need critici
I've had to pause my campaign out of necessity (major lack of funds). I'm going to reevaluate why I'm not making sales and perhaps relaunch the site.  However, it seems to be the case that people are far more interested in physical products as opposed to eBooks. This would explain why I've had so many hops (interest in subject), but no sales (no interest in product). It's real confusing. But there's no point giving up. People will ALWAYS be buying things online. It's about adapting to thei
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This isn't good. I've just blown over £60 on adwords with no sales..   I'm doin' somethin' wrong! But I don't even know why... My keywords are specific, my adverts are on average 3rd in the list, my landing pages aren't terrible (I hope!).  I mean, I've got the hops.. O.o I've even had 4 order form impressions! But people seem to get cold feet when they realise they're actually having to get their credit cards out. :/ Well, updates will be provided. Bankruptcy imminent. ;) Over
Hey guys, just launched my first website.. I'll keep you updated as to sales and whatnot but I'm well chuffed it's up.  Got my Google adwords account setup too so traffic is a'flowing!  :B Will.  EDIT: The site is if you wanna check it out.
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How is the member rank system calculated!? I seem to be gaining on Kyle and Carson despite being a noob of epic proportions.  I must be doing something right. ;)