Good Grief. 218 clicks, 199 hops, 0 sales..

Last Update: April 15, 2010

This isn't good. I've just blown over £60 on adwords with no sales.. 

 I'm doin' somethin' wrong!

But I don't even know why... My keywords are specific, my adverts are on average 3rd in the list, my landing pages aren't terrible (I hope!). 

I mean, I've got the hops.. O.o I've even had 4 order form impressions! But people seem to get cold feet when they realise they're actually having to get their credit cards out. :/

Well, updates will be provided. Bankruptcy imminent. ;)

Over & out.

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Abundantlife Premium
Over 200 clicks and no sales. Wow. Don't worry soon you willl catch up to my 2k klics and not sales. Dont wory about it. Your
goals should be to get 10k a month or more. Then you will see
some resaults, Its a numbers game.

May the Blessings Be
jabeeman Premium
Hang in there! Good luck! Let me know if i can help you with anything!
Wootton Premium
Hey start spreading the word, put links everywhere on the net related to your topic. Maybe that will help, it took me a long time to get a sale lol.