Man I'm Glum. But Magistudios Is Helping Me Out.

Last Update: April 18, 2010

I know this is a total downer 'cause everyone on here seems to be totally chirpy and making major bank, but I just felt like I've made a load of bum deals. I don't think my articles are capable of making sales solely because I get no traffic, and I know I'm meant to be blogging about them, but my blog's in the same state! No traffic there either! My PPC invoice made me squint a lot too.

 But really, all you need is someone to come along and get you back on track. I think we all need criticism of our campaigns to move forward else you just hit a dead end. I guess that's why WA is good stuff (although forum responses could be a little snappier). Magistudios has given me some pointers which should really help. So yeah, thanks for the jump leads.

 That is all.

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Epic Noob Premium
Absolutely. Even if you blow $100, it's priceless for what you learn from your mistakes. If you never did anything out of fear you'd get nowhere, so I commend you for taking a stab pal. :)
Epic Noob Premium
I've been 'shooting from the hip' up to now and it's really not worked. I think that this game requires a lot of close analysis after the initial flop. I guess it's about fine tuning once you figure out what's going wrong.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hmmm Is it a keyword issue? You've been here a short while. Sometimes it takes time for a campaign to catch hold. Then you get surprised. To satisfy my own curiosity, I've been experimenting lately with less analytical approaches. Just shooting from the hip. I'll let you all know what happens. It's the "right brained" approach, you know, as opposed to left brained. I'm not sure if it'll work online like it does in the real world.