Article Writing Service

Last Update: June 19, 2010

Howdy, I'm offering to write a number of articles to build your backlinks and increase your pagerank. First of all, I CAN KEEP TARGETS. But I've naturally got other commitments so I can't be writing 100 articles a day obviously. I'm a fast, coherent and fluid writer, so my estimate below of 5 per customer is based on having a number of jobs at the same time. If I have few cutomers I'll be able to increase this number of article submits per day.

For samples of my work, see below:
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I can submit articles to Hubpages, Squidoo, Ezine and Buzzle. You can choose which one, combination of these, or all of these article directories to have the articles spun around. Spun articles are in no way copied and pasted. They're virtually unique articles (and would have to be in order to submit them to Ezine/Buzzle), hence why I charge an equal amount for them. For example, if you'd like 50 articles in total, spun to 3 of the above directories multiply the cost below by 3.

Pricing is below, discounts come into play when bulk article submission is ordered (be aware that I will only write 5 articles per customer per day depending on demand, so a 35 article package will be spread over a week for example):

(Remember if you'd like every article uniquely spun to alternate directories remember to multiply your cost by the number of spins)

5 Articles (1 day) => $20 - $4.00 Per Article
35 Articles (1 week) => $125 ($15 saving) - $3.57 Per Article
70 Articles (2 weeks) => $240 ($40 saving) - $3.42 Per Article
105 Articles (3 weeks) => $345 ($75 saving) - $3.28 Per Article

If you're looking for a custom order number, go ahead and send me a message and we'll be able to work something out.


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