How did I manage to get member rank 133 in 6 days?

Last Update: April 09, 2010

How is the member rank system calculated!? I seem to be gaining on Kyle and Carson despite being a noob of epic proportions.

 I must be doing something right. ;)

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I'm glad you posted this, I was wondering how the ranking system worked too, as I jumped very quickly to somewhere near I know.
SpiritRocker Premium
And as soon as you need to take a few days off or are not as active etc. it will jump back up. I was the same way and had a rank in the 120's and today I go in and I'm back at 5600. Don't focus on Member Rank, focus on learning how to make money. (I am. (focussing on learning that is, no money....yet)
Louise M. Premium
it means you participate and contribute, it's cool! :)
Epic Noob Premium
Ah, I see. I knew it had nothing to do with my sales!
Alex Copeland Premium
It's the fact you are using all the things on offer. Posting a job, starting a blog, going on the forum... all this adds to your member rank... :)