Day 3, 7 Lenses, 2 Hub Pages, 3 Blogspot Posts and an Ezine article!

Last Update: April 06, 2010

Still no traffic albeit! Darn. I guess I'll just have to keep writing under similar topics. You guys fancy helping me out by checking out my lenses and blogs? It's be much appreciated. :)

 My Ezine still hasn't been processed yet. Watch this space...


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Alex Copeland Premium
Hey there. Think I bumped into these in the forum too and gave some tips... just wondered what keyword you were targeting on the Lens? May help to find out why you aren't getting any traffic?
Epic Noob Premium
Cheers bud! It's all well and good but I have no traffic.. Other than a few nice folks from WA. It's tough.
Not2Late Premium
Hey Noob... I checked out your Nintendo lens... pretty nice. I cannot believe you cranked out all that stuff so quickly. High 5.