Posts by Felice Yeow 10
Hi my buddies, Are you struggling to rank your website? Perhaps these 25 backlinks/day will help you to push your website ranking. Social Monkee is now offering FREE 25 backlinks/day = FREE 750 backlinks/month. I just signed up and am going to take action to see the magic happens. If you love freebies, you shouldn't miss out this opportunity! Get FREE 25 backlinks/day for life Hope this piece of gem I found can help in your backlinking efforts. Good luck!  
I have been following Street Articles posts in WA forum for a while. Everybody's articles that are published on Street Articles seem to be getting good ranking at google. I was skeptical at first as it sounds too good to be true. Street Articles is so new, how can it beat EZA, buzzle, article base, go articles etc. So far, I am pretty impressed with the article rank earned from Street Articles. I just saw one of my articles ranks no.1 out of 4,420,000 results. Definitely going to put Street Arti
Hi folks, We All Love Free Stuffs, Don't We? Recently I stumbled upon a free traffic report given by Ryan Deiss. It's called PERPETUAL TRAFFIC FORMULA. If you have not already known, every few years google will have some sort of algorithm shift which results in the drop of your article ranking. The most recent shift is this year and it won't happened in the near future. In this report, Ryan shows what kind of adjustments has google made as well as what kind of actions we should take to
Bonjour! It's 8.30am (6/18 Fri). I just got to my office not long ago. First thing I checked in the morning is no longer my university email  but my Google Adwords account. Here's what I saw in my campaign: Daily budget: $10.00 Avg PPC: $0.21 Avg Position: 3.9 CTR: 1.72% (I know this is low, but I'm still doing testing, normally is 4-5% : I got this figure by browsing through forums, not sure if it's right) First day 6/16 Wed: 9 Clicks ($1.76) Second day 6/17 Thu: 32 Clicks ($6.74) Tot
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I did keyword research in the past two days. Then, I started to organize and group them into several adgroups in order to be added to my PPC campaign. After 2 days of research and some data entry work, I finally set up my campaign. On 6/16/2010 3.30pm EST, my campaign finally went live! I felt so good about that as I have everything ready ( adwords account set up, website ready, knowledge, keyword research etc) 6 months ago.  Now, I'm waiting to collect enough data and analyze them. I can'
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I have been working hard on article marketing from Oct - Dec 2009. Three months of effort, I did not see any results, then I started to feel demotivated and become more and more skeptical. "Does IM actually work? Why is everybody making sales but not me?" I questioned myself. After Christmas and New Year, I got lazy . Spring semester came and I started to be busy with my studies and eventually I just totally ignored my IM work. Today (6 months later), I am doing an internship and I ha
November 12, 2009
Wooo.. My first article finally gets LIVE in Ezine after lying there for 2 weeks. Which means, my first sale is getting a step closer to me! Yeah   I want to make some changes here regarding my previous post.  Initially, I thought it's alright if I use my linker cloaking tool to track down the traffic from each individual articles. Unfortunately, ezine rejected my articles and said that those 'my linkers' are affiliate links  =.= sob sob..  So, I ended up removing all the my
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(1) Get on to dig my niche. I dig dig dig and finally I found my sub-sub-sub niche. (2) Get on Google trends to see the statistic of my niche over the years. Hmm.. look pretty good. (3) Get on the niche-related forums to see if the solution is on HIGH DEMAND. Wow.. yeap, everybody has no clue how to solve it... In fact, most of them fail to solve this problem (4) Get on click bank to see if there's a product that can feed this hungry crowd. Yeah, they are hungry and click bank has t
October 20, 2009
Based on my goal,  I was supposed to DISCOVER my GOLDEN niche last Saturday. And.. yeah! I finally FOUND it! I really want to share the thrill of discovering my niche with y'all, so I decided to make a post here. After going through the WA Action Plan, I realized how important is THE 50/50 RULE - 50% Research | 50% Action. Now I would like to share how I did my research and how I took the action. Before taking any action, I went through the RESEARCH training so that I can maximize every po
Today, I finally have time to plan for my IM goal and task after joining WA for 3 weeks.  From the very beginning, I know that I am not interested in writing articles. I decided go straight to Pay Per Click Marketing, so that I can make some fat moolah quicker. However, there are several IM experts suggested me to start with Article Marketing and use this opportunity to get familiar with IM world. Yeah! They are experienced people, I should listen to them. So I changed my mind. Article Mark