Get Your Free Traffic Report & Software!

Last Update: July 26, 2010

Hi folks,

We All Love Free Stuffs, Don't We?

Recently I stumbled upon a free traffic report given by Ryan Deiss. It's called PERPETUAL TRAFFIC FORMULA. If you have not already known, every few years google will have some sort of algorithm shift which results in the drop of your article ranking. The most recent shift is this year and it won't happened in the near future. In this report, Ryan shows what kind of adjustments has google made as well as what kind of actions we should take to get our articles ranking back up. Due to the shift, many articles get affected... so I think it's the good time for you, especially newbie to build your article campaign.

The report is FREE! So make sure you get it.
(I'm not Ryan's affiliate and I am not promoting this for commission, I just want to share some good stuffs with you..)

FREE Perpetual Traffic Formula

Ryan also gave out a FREE software called Cherry-Picker of which he spent $10,000 to develope it. I have downloaded and installed the software and of course TRIED IT! Frankly speaking, I love the name of this software and the little icon.. simply cute! This software helps you to determine if the niche is saturated and any websites within the niche is weak. (watch his video for more explaination)  I found it very useful, and I feel so much better after finding out so MANY top ranked weak websites which could be beaten easily.

It's FREE! Why not give a try to Cherry-Picker?

FREE Cherry-Picker Software

Lastly, Ryan gave out his latest report few days ago (2 days ago?) which is called THE AUTHORITY CODES. I read the report and was very excited to implement the method to get some SUPER QUALITY BACKLINKS for my article campaign. I haven't tried it out yet, but I will once I get my campaign set up (hopefullly by this Sunday). Can't wait to see the result.

Again, it's FREE! You can get it from the same website.

FREE Authority Codes Report

Hope these resources can help you to achieve better in your article campaign.


Good day,


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ruphynresx7 Premium
i'll try it out.
erussell Premium
Traffic Travis IS much better but the report is pretty well done. I also found Mark Dulisse's post a bit better for "authority codes" for those who haven't been aware of them before:
NEA03 Premium
I downloaded Cherry Picker last week and I really don't see what's so great about it. Traffic Travis already does that and has many more uses and it's free as well(there's also a paid version)
Felice Yeow Premium
That's great! Very useful...
iFaith Premium
Thank you Felice. I got this a few days ago too. It is a good software.