2 Weeks of Waiting

Last Update: November 12, 2009

Wooo.. My first article finally gets LIVE in Ezine after lying there for 2 weeks.

Which means, my first sale is getting a step closer to me! Yeah


I want to make some changes here regarding my previous post. 

Initially, I thought it's alright if I use my linker cloaking tool to track down the traffic from each individual articles. Unfortunately, ezine rejected my articles and said that those 'my linkers' are affiliate links  =.= sob sob.. 

So, I ended up removing all the my linkers and replaced them with my regular domain name. Argh...

Now I cannot identify which articles give me the best traffic... Anybody know how to solve my problem?


helloooooo? Anybody???



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Louise M. Premium
Does the link included in your article leads to your landing page/website or is it your affiliate link ?

Cause if it's your landing page, you just need to have google analytics to know where your visitors come from. By the way, on ezinearticles you have traffic stats and number of clicks :)