Posts by Huntsnan 10
May 12, 2012
The epiphany happened today while I was tending to my garden and yard. I have been trying so hard to make something happen that I have completely overlooked what was right under my nose. I have a couple of simple blogs that earn me a (very little) adsense revenue, get a lot of traffic, and that I have not done anything with for some time. Now, I'm sitting on my mower, thinking about just HOW I am ever going to make this internet marketing work. Here comes the "AHA" moment. I know t
Field day at school so I haven't started working online yet today, my next-to-last day and I am so behind!  Carson has given me some great insight, and I think my keyword research won't be such a problem for me now.  Am going to concentrate harder on his advice. But work interrupted has its own rewards and I got to spend some time with some high energy kids - funny, I spent a lot of the day looking at what they were wearing and what they were talking about in their li
May 10, 2012
Trying to cram, feel like it's finals in two days!  Keyword research is my nemesis, so I am trying to focus and practice doing it right so I can score an "A+" and make it a habit instead of a struggle.  Love keyword tools.  Have to try NOT to play in there - but try to stay focused. Been re-working my first WA blog (thanks for all the suggestions guys, I am liking it so much better now!), writing some more, but mainly trying to learn as much as I can before
Here is my first WA blog, have 3 articles linked to it (if I don't do again what I did before and NOT link!)  Feel free to comment, it may be over the top, too wordy, whatever - I know I will need to tweak.  I have soooo many blogs that have just been sitting there, and 4 out of the 6 domains I have purchased have nothing on them.  That is what you get when you try to follow a program
For starters, I forgot to save the last post, so now I have to rewrite it! Earlier today I was going through a little learnin' - takin' notes o'course - decided to look at my SA articles. Some had a lot of look-see's, had a few clickthroughs, but a couple had nothin' - NADA! So I went to check it out and lo' and behold - I had forgotten to add my links!! DOH!!! Wasted the entire day for clicks because I missed a very important part of work. Almost like forgettin'
1 comment
Two articles live on SA, two articles pending on EZ, one blog up and running, one blog started & just need finishing touches.  I have a lot to do with some other stuff that I have been doing incorrectly that needs to be corrected and I need to finish the Facebook page for my sister's business.... More articles to write, have a lot of niche research to do, but I'm feelin' great! (That being said, I find myself having to go back to the forum and the success stories there.
May 06, 2012
No promise today - technical difficulties.  Got one blog up and running, two articles with links to it pending approval, still cannot upload pictures to Street Articles - GRRRR!  Have several articles there and NO PICS!  Will get it figured out soon. My very first actual website other than blogs is showing now if you want to give me any critique.  First time for everything, did it for my sister's business since she didn't think she needed any online information ou
May 05, 2012
DAY 3 PROMISE: On my third day in the WA family (this time) I am already finding myself getting behind schedule. Today I must finish the tasks, the promise, that I made yesterday to create outside blogs (I have a good start on them) and write at least 4 articles and post to two article directories. Due to unforeseen family circumstances I ran out of time to accomplish all I had planned. This is one more reason that I am going to be successful in my online business endeavors. I need the f
DAY 2 PROMISE: I promise to take action, to start doing what I am learning, to make a commitment that I cannot waiver from. Today I will create two blogs to promote Wealthy Affiliate and tell others about the generous gift the folks here have offered.  I will write two articles to ezinearticles and two articles to Street Articles and link them to the blogs.  I will tweak until they squeak. I will continue on my learning journey and make my online business succeed with the
DAY ONE PROMISE: I promise to not read without taking action on what I have learned.  I promise to become a participant and not be just a bystander looking for handouts.  I promise to take the knowledge that I obtain and make it a success.  I promise to take constructive criticism and use it to my best advantage.  I promise to stop looking for that proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs - the shortcut that doesn't exist.  I promise to keep the mind and heart