Bazinga! Day 8

Last Update: May 10, 2012

Trying to cram, feel like it's finals in two days!  Keyword research is my nemesis, so I am trying to focus and practice doing it right so I can score an "A+" and make it a habit instead of a struggle.  Love keyword tools.  Have to try NOT to play in there - but try to stay focused.

Been re-working my first WA blog (thanks for all the suggestions guys, I am liking it so much better now!), writing some more, but mainly trying to learn as much as I can before time's up.

A funny thought I had while reading comments on my efforts so far - everyone was so apologetic for their critique!  You are so sweet to worry about my feelings - truth is you do NOT need to apologize for helping me to be a success!  It is I who humbly ask for your help and so greatly appreciate your all are the greatest tools in the WA arsenal, in my opinion!

I have to go back to work now  :(

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Carson Premium Plus
Thanks, Carson - so good to hear that at least I'm THINKING along the right lines! What I need to find is that proverbial "Starving Crowd" that Travis is so fond of talking about. It all makes so much sense, the fine-tuning of the research to find the people that are actually going to BUY as opposed to the 'tire kickers' that don't really know what they want. That is the traffic I am looking for. I would much rather have 100 searches and 2 sales than 10,000 searches and no sale!
Like I said, niche research is just not coming as naturally to me as article writing or creating pages. Practice and patience with myself are my keys. It sure helps to know that people like you are so willing to help, Karma will take care of you - and I hope someday to do for others as well!
Carson Premium Plus
Thanks again, Carson. You have eased my mind a little about who I am looking for. You are saying that EVERY niche has potential, that there are people looking for just about everything - I just have to narrow it down and show them value and help them to "choose" to click and buy from the information I help them with. Value and Connection should be the rule of the I am going to refocus a little on my efforts. Keyword research is important, but I was getting stuck in the quagmire and stressing over it. Back to work - and I love your information!