Day 6 and I'm an IDIOT!

Last Update: May 08, 2012

For starters, I forgot to save the last post, so now I have to rewrite it!

Earlier today I was going through a little learnin' - takin' notes o'course - decided to look at my SA articles. Some had a lot of look-see's, had a few clickthroughs, but a couple had nothin' - NADA! So I went to check it out and lo' and behold - I had forgotten to add my links!! DOH!!! Wasted the entire day for clicks because I missed a very important part of work. Almost like forgettin' to put the patty on the bun while workin' at McD's!!! Where's the Beef????

Well, I fixed that right quick-like! Now I have to go finish my chores so I can write some more and do a little keyword research - got some good ideas whilst mowin' a bit ago. Almost too late to replace the bushing on my ridin' mower tire, so I guess I'll just have to come back and do what I really WANT to do! (Did I mention I was raised up in Arkansas?)

I really think that writing all this down for others to see is really helping me to stay on task! Been a long, silly day. Thanks for reading, have no support team available here, so it looks like -TAG, You're IT!

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Happy to be part of your support team. I shouldn't worry about not having added your links. You don't know whether or not people would have clicked on them anyway and at least you realised. So don't call yourse;f an idiot. Any negative self-talk is a waste of energy. Good luck