Day 9 - Have missed almost the whole day here!

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Field day at school so I haven't started working online yet today, my next-to-last day and I am so behind!  Carson has given me some great insight, and I think my keyword research won't be such a problem for me now.  Am going to concentrate harder on his advice.
But work interrupted has its own rewards and I got to spend some time with some high energy kids - funny, I spent a lot of the day looking at what they were wearing and what they were talking about in their little groups!  Trying to find some niche and keyword ideas, I guess!  So not a total loss there.
A short break may help out in the long run, but I am so sad to be leaving - even if temporarily.
And it DOES make me more determined to succeed so I don't miss out on any more of the fun things in life - and not have to answer to a boss. And it will enable me to get back here on WA so I can continue my progress in so many of the other areas that I am just now starting to understand.  I just didn't realize all the possibilities...
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the filbert Premium
No day is "missed" if you are always thinking.....listen to the kids...they will tell you whats hot and more importantly : whats coming up... they can give you a head start on a niche that is going to become popular soon...then you market to the parents for them to buy it for their children....
Kinda' what I came away with from the day....thanks for reiterating, it is starting to feel so good to know I may be on the right track! Alas, time will tell... Thank you!