Day 10 :(

Last Update: May 12, 2012
The epiphany happened today while I was tending to my garden and yard.
I have been trying so hard to make something happen that I have completely overlooked what was right under my nose.
I have a couple of simple blogs that earn me a (very little) adsense revenue, get a lot of traffic, and that I have not done anything with for some time.
Now, I'm sitting on my mower, thinking about just HOW I am ever going to make this internet marketing work. Here comes the "AHA" moment. I know that these two little blogs that I post on (every once in a while) get some really good traffic, I know that the traffic comes from some articles I wrote a while back and have in a couple of different places, and I know that it is consistent. And I know that people click on the adsense because there is always a little bit added. To reiterate - consistent traffic and adsense - for two years! And I only did the blogs - gulp - for FUN!
I know the market. I know it is an evergreen market that is only getting bigger, especially in these hard times. It is something I can write an endless supply of information for. It is something that can go off in so many directions, has so many different mini niches. I cannot believe that it took me this much time to get it! It's like the girl/boy next door that you didn't realize you really loved because they were so close to you - like right under your nose! I am so excited that I can't shut up and get to work! My plan is to dig deep, deeper, deepest into this theme until I have successfully created my own empire (LOL!).
So, I would like to thank Kyle and Carson for giving me the opportunity to 'epiphanize' on their dime (I think I just made that word up, but it would be a good one for Scrabble). I am going out to get some major success with this plan so I can come back and you can teach me more! I also want to thank everyone who helped me so much to start finding my way - you are all such great people who take the time to help us newbies with our infernal questions. Just think how great this world would be if it was like WA and everybody helped everybody else! Problems could be solved instantly and everybody would just 'get along'!
So long for now, it's been great!
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Carson Premium Plus
Sielke Premium
I agree it's awesome. Youre way ahead of the game. Having a site with traffic is already success. Now you just have to figure out how to capitalize on that traffic. Just remember that while everyone else is trying to start getting traffic you have got it already.
Lou rael Premium
That's awesome...Congratulations! Rhonda keep workin it.