10 June 2010 Day 5

Last Update: June 10, 2010

I'm writing this early in case I fall asleep before I get a chance to start the training in earnest. 

While going through email, I came to the conclusion that a lot of gurus and teachers really want to abuse my time.  No longer do I look at videos or listen to long recordings just because someone important said I should.  Starting to streamline goals and activities. 

[Later that same session]

Making real progress:

Finished Lesson 2.

Did most of Lesson 3;  Now starting the intro to research. I want to take notes on that, as I want to be teaching research someday.

Looked at DMOZ with new spectacles.  I saw it before as part of someone else's program (self-styled IM teacher, who I've not really learned much from.)   I think I understand its attraction to marketers.  I found possible niches there.

Devised a method for keeping notes on the side with notepad.


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