Where's the hungry crowd?

Last Update: July 15, 2010

I went and spent days just researching keywords for a market I've been wanting to target.  And suddenly it dawned on me; "I'm going about this all wrong."  

I've seen some forum and blog posts here at WA from people who've been struggling. I'm wondering if they've made the same mistake as me.

I was looking at keyword phrases that I thought up, and the keyword tools gave me a lot of suggestions.  But with all those keywords that came out of it, I was still missing one thing . . . .

----- the market's mind ---

I still didn't know what my market is thinking.

I had no idea what words they use in their everyday conversation.

I have a sense of a problem they have but  I don't know what words they use to express it.  I believe there is a crowd that is "hungry" for an answer but I don't know exactly where they are. 

I'm going back to the drawing board on keywords: I don't really know how things will be different.  But I think if I spend time - offline - trying to get into the market's head - it will be time well invested.


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