Getting Real

Last Update: July 17, 2010

Well, it's been a roller coaster week.

My dad went into the hospital for some invasive procedures concerning his heart.  And of course I'm 10,000 miles away with no means of getting anywhere near the scene of events.   Fortunately I have four brothers who were there and kept me in the loop.  Thank God for Skype!

And Thank God for giving my father another break.  There were some complications, and it looks like he's pulling through.  

On the work front, I've had to put in a lot of extra hours (no extra pay) to create materials and exams for about 250 students.  That's how many students I see on a weekly basis.  And I'm creating two different books.  

 So did marketing take a back seat to this all.  No Way!

I didn't have time to do what I would have liked to do, but the prospect of starting up a great website has been on my mind constantly.  Trouble is I don't yet know what a great website should have.  

My goal is to raise $2000 before October, so I can visit my father in the states.  The only way I can do that is if I do something right in marketing.  I've been playing around with keyword research tools, and got nowhere.  One part of me wants to just write some articles based on what I know and have learned.  Another part of me wants to be more methodical.  

Today, I made a compromise of sorts.  I can't spend whole days in front of the computer - I have to teach - so I have to come up with a fast solution and fast action plan.  

I'm going to try PP Girl's tips, and just use Google Adwords Tool.  

This produced a lot of keywords, unfiltered, and I'm going to start writing article after article.  

And I'm going to try to eat more than half a meal a day and sleep a little longer than 3 hours in a night.  


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Jamie Smith Premium
Sending blessings to your father as we speak!
jatdebeaune Premium
Jerry, Glad to hear that your dad is coming along. Can just imagine how hard that was for you, being so far away. Protect your own health, stay well. You'll meet your goal.