Intuition or Tools?

Last Update: July 16, 2010

Went back to the drawing board today.  

Even with all the marketing tools in the world, you've gotta use the head.

Ain't no such thing as a "no-brainer."  

And what if the head isn't working right?  What if the head just isn't coming up with any keywords with high searches and low competitions.  

I came into this thinking I had a subject that was unique amongst marketers.  Seems like half the world had the same idea before I did.

After fiddling with the parameters of Market Samurai, I came to the conclusion, "ENOUGH!"  Enlough playing and time to get busy.

There's been a domain name on my mind for over a week.  There've been thoughts of exactly who the market is and why they need my website.  And I've already figured out dozens of related keywords.    

Time to just start writing articles.



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