Posts by Jerrywaxman 21
July 26, 2010
It looks like it's been more than a week since I did anything here.  've been busy. My day job alone takes up more than its fair share of my time - but it's a good job, so I'm not complaining.  The other time bandit is -   -  - Fear Some call it procrastination.  Other's call it writer's block.  Whatever has been keeping me from writing articles and taking necessary actions - I think it's linked to fear.  Like if I do something, I'm going to get it wrong,
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July 18, 2010
What makes a great marketer great? Well, what makes any great person great?  I think it's got to do with them finding their own "ness."   [YOUR NAME] + ness is your unique "ness."   "Success Can Be Copied --- NOT!" I've listened to a lot of motivational speakers and success coaches over the years.  And if you've ever joined one of those MLMs or network marketing deals, you know they like to say, "Just copy what successful people do." W
July 17, 2010
Well, it's been a roller coaster week. My dad went into the hospital for some invasive procedures concerning his heart.  And of course I'm 10,000 miles away with no means of getting anywhere near the scene of events.   Fortunately I have four brothers who were there and kept me in the loop.  Thank God for Skype! And Thank God for giving my father another break.  There were some complications, and it looks like he's pulling through.   On the work front, I've had to put in
July 16, 2010
Went back to the drawing board today.   Even with all the marketing tools in the world, you've gotta use the head. Ain't no such thing as a "no-brainer."   And what if the head isn't working right?  What if the head just isn't coming up with any keywords with high searches and low competitions.   I came into this thinking I had a subject that was unique amongst marketers.  Seems like half the world had the same idea before I did. After fiddling with the paramet
I went and spent days just researching keywords for a market I've been wanting to target.  And suddenly it dawned on me; "I'm going about this all wrong."   I've seen some forum and blog posts here at WA from people who've been struggling. I'm wondering if they've made the same mistake as me. I was looking at keyword phrases that I thought up, and the keyword tools gave me a lot of suggestions.  But with all those keywords that came out of it, I was still missing one th
For the last decade or so I've been delving into "power of the mind" stuff. It turns out that all the successful people in the world use their minds in a certain way that attracts success to them.    One of the best teachers of these principles is Bob Doyle.    His "Wealth Beyond Reason" program is the most comprehensive course of studies on getting your mind in tune with wealth that I have ever seen.  And now he's practically giving it away.&
July 07, 2010
I've come to a head on keyword research, I think.  Spent lots of time at it , and now it's time to write articles.   Today 7 July, auspicious for the double 7's, I got started on a personal journal - a place to put insights as they occur. I am fusing teaching with personal development with marketing.  Years ago, I never would have thought there was a legitimate connection between education and business.  Today, I see the connection all too clearly.  But not what you thin
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I have to do as much as I can online in a couple hours, then write articles at home. Today, I did a lot of keyword research, this time for the WorldsWays website.  That is supposed to be the main site with several satellites around it.  None of my sites are well managed, yet.  But that one is the most awkward. Now, I'm changing the focus, and clarifying it.  Now it will be about knowledge and history.  The idea is that while we cannot rewrite history, we can have an impa
If all goes well this will be a step by step log of how I will make my first $100 online.  Yesterday, I spent hours doing keyword research, and still I am not convinced they were the right phrases.   Today I did more keyword research, using   Market Samurai.  Now I have several groups of terms, but most have competition well above 5000 pages.   I think the time is to start doing, and stop studying.  While I am offline, I plan to write at least one article from one
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I have spent the better part of 9 hours getting started. I'm on the 5th lesson in the training and I expected to write articles today.  BUT, I got bogged down with keyword research.  Seems some of my ideas weren't very unique.  So I spent most of this time looking for keywords with the WA Keyword Tool. I also went to Ezine Articles and looked for articles on related topics.  I picked up some ideas there, but am not sure that the authors got organic hits.   I made extensi
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