5 June 2010 Day 0

Last Update: June 05, 2010

Just started with WA this evening.  I will actually get started tomorrow after I've gotten orientated.  I need to send Travis a PM about getting unstuck.  

This is it.  I'm committing to posting on this blog everyday about activity in WA.  First the reasons: I am not new to Internet Marketing.  But I am new to making money.  It hasn't happened yet.  Having read some emails from Kyle and Travis, and having seen a bunch of testimonials, I decided to invest money that I really don't have, and time that I don't have much of, to get this right.  I reckon that in 2 months this will begin to pay off, and money will be a less stressful issue.

 I'm committing to following directions and TRYING like hell to keep focused and not get distracted.  

Today is the first time I have trusted my intuition on a decision about marketing.  I have consciously rejected spending any money at all on marketing products and courses.  But this one felt right.  Plus, I made nearly $2.00 today at Adsense - which could be a sign.to not sweat the tuition.

What I've accomplished today:

Joined WA

Edited profile

Wrote something on Buddy Network

Wrote something on blog.

Got a little excited about being here.



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