Beware The Flying Pigs!

Last Update: May 10, 2010

 Since my last blog I have not been inactive, I have stopped clicking on everyone that joins as a buddy not because I do not welcome them but because I have been focused on gathering the data I need to create an ORGANIZED campaign. I am not there yet however with the impending move back to my hometown I decided not to start any new ventures until I am completely moved so that I do not have to stop and start in the middle of them.

 I have been following the forums and gathering information provided by fellow members to include a free  article submitter (Cool) and free E Books to use for campaigns as well as other material and guides that I will need when I am able start again.

 I have also been practicing SEO techniques and have found some helpful sites to get  my works listed and bookmarked. Being new to this and absorbing all of this information is a lot to take in less than two months. I am still struggling, as are others are,  with keywords and niches. I understand the concepts however I have always been a person who buys from a local store and not over the internet except for rare occasions such as WA. I always used the internet for research and then found a product locally where there was a trusted merchant so this is a little more difficult for me.

 There is so much information available with little and large bits of GOLD in the most unseemly places such as the forums. I initially ignored the forums however I now have a greater respect for this resource. After having gone through most of the tutorials now I have found a great wealth of knowledge and people willing to offer help. Newbies advised to check it regularly as the info and terminology will click together sooner or later and the more exposure the better even if you do not understand what they are talking about right now. 

 Once again even though I am not moving forward at the moment, I Am In This For The Long Haul and I Will Succeed In Making the Pigs Fly!

 This is such a wonderful place to learn that if I had to I would collect aluminum cans and sell plasma to pay the fee to be here.

 Thank you my friends for putting up with my update and to Travis for teaching me a lesson from a post he did (I paid attention LOL)!  And my thanks AGAIN to Kyle and Carson!

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DABK Premium
Seminarian asks the chief priest:"Father, may I watch TV while I pray?"
"No. Now give me 20 push ups, just for thinking that sinful thought."
Another seminarian with same desires as the first one overhears, cathces the priest alone later, asks "Father, may I pray while I watch TV." The Priest says, "Yes, my son, you must always pray." Then he does 20 push ups as reward for the seminarian's good question.
(correct, I'm not and have never been a Catholic, still it's a seminarian and a priest)
The point, you're comfortable collecting info on the internet, shopping in the 'real world'. So, set up a review site, review products, give useful information. Unfortunately, for the review to be real, you have to link to them so they can decide for themselves.
Why link with your affiliate link not just directly? Because,should they feel grateful, they could show gratitude.

Seriously, you think when you bought in the real world, you did not pay someone's commission?

Enjoy the long haul.
ScottyD Premium
Could not have said it any better myself(haha) Nice blog Keith!
jatdebeaune Premium
Such a good blog. Thank you.
raycal.1 Premium
Sounds like a good plan..absorb ready....put the plan into Action after the move. Was wondering about which article submitter you found. Well, here's to seeing pigs fly someday. Hopefully soon for you. Ray...