What is up with Squidoo?

Last Update: April 07, 2010

I was working on a new lens and trying to add a link to a site in a module. When I was done I clicked Publish and a message popped up stating that I was over the 9 link limit to the same domain.

 There are only 3 links on the lens! One to my website, one to an article I just had published and one other link. They will not let me add any links to this lens with the same message coming up every time no matter the URL.

 Is anyone else experiencing this?

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DLN Premium
Now I am totally new to all this as well but... I followed PPG's OWM plan and made 5 lenses, linked them as taught, did the RSS feeds and the 3 posts on the free blog sites. Did all of it over the very last weekend in March. when I was done, I also did a Blogger page then a Hubpage with the same linking taught in OWM. To this date, the Squidoo lenses are not indexed. Hubpage was indexed in 2 days & blogger was about as quick. It's my first expereince, so I'm testing. Maybe some data that could help you too in the future.
cld111 Premium
I know PotPieGirl mentioned that things are always a little funky around the 7th of the month - which is when they do payments. I would wait this one out and try again later.