SEOBOOK Tip for Newbies!

Last Update: May 15, 2010

I was recently trying to find one of my new sites and came across this cool feature of a free Firefox add on ( ). There is an option in the blue highlighted field below the listings called "Google position" which lists the top 100 page ranks for the search term on one page making it easier to scroll through and gives some interesting results.

Results for one of my keywords.

#3 - My website
#4 - A page on my website
#5 - An article I wrote for key words
#7 - A site posting my article with links
#15 - A site posting my article with links
#16 - A site stealing my article (No links or credit)
#17 - A site posting my article with links

and then # 100 - Digg listing 2010-5-15 13-19.png" width="450" height="288" /> 

After loading the add on the blue fields do not appear for regular search but will show up when you refresh the page.

There is also an option for "Yahoo Position" although I have not used it yet. And yes for those of you who follow the Forums I used PPG's keyword for the illustration.

 I just thought this might be helpful to some and wanted to share.




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