Posts by Kadcpp 25
September 13, 2010
To those of you who have  been my friends here at Wealthy Affiliate it has been a rough couple of months since I last posted or was active here. I have completed the move back to my home state. It has taken longer than anticipated because of health issues. During the move I developed hypertension a.k.a. high blood pressure and came very close to a stroke before seeking a doctor and getting medication.   I am feeling better now and getting ready to jump back into IM full-time. I plan
I was recently trying to find one of my new sites and came across this cool feature of a free Firefox add on ( ). There is an option in the blue highlighted field below the listings called "Google position" which lists the top 100 page ranks for the search term on one page making it easier to scroll through and gives some interesting results. Results for one of my keywords. #3 - My website #4 - A page on my website #5 - An article I wrote
 Since my last blog I have not been inactive, I have stopped clicking on everyone that joins as a buddy not because I do not welcome them but because I have been focused on gathering the data I need to create an ORGANIZED campaign. I am not there yet however with the impending move back to my hometown I decided not to start any new ventures until I am completely moved so that I do not have to stop and start in the middle of them.  I have been following the forums and gathering informat
 Since I to have been bouncing in many directions I decided to work SEO for lenses and website to play with it and determine results. I have been able to increase the lenses a little by adding more keywords and links and I am starting to get some traffic again.  My web page has been  frustrating me as one of the people that was above me has not touched the site for well over a year and I have been unable to get Google Analytics loaded for some reason.The tracking code installs how
April 22, 2010
Thank you to all, especially Kyle, Carson, Jennifer, Music Mom, and Wooton and Louise M in particular as well as others (sorry if I failed  to mention others personally for the response to this post it has been truly over whelming  today). You all have been a major influence to me and it is appreciated. Thank you WA for making this blog of the day! I pray for all to succeed and reach their goals in life. I know I will work hard to make this happen and you will too since you are readi
This morning I was finally starting to get some traffic to a couple of my new lenses and it dropped off suddenly. I did a Google search a couple of hours later and found them way back on 7th and 8th pages instead of second and third. (More work to get them back LOL).  The good news is my website went from 5th to 3rd for main keyword. You folks might want to check your lenses and other sites to see where they are now.
1 comment
I joined WA 0n 3-16-10 signing up for a month just to check it out. As many of you know I have been out of work for almost 6 months now. I wish I had found WA sooner, as I was spending all my time trying hard to find a good paying job that was not there. I apologize for the long post however I wanted to let my buddies know what is transpiring.  I have been very diligent in my studies here and have learned a lot and accomplished some things I never thought I could do in a month. I somehow
Have spent the entire day researching, playing with keywords, trying to find a niche and came up with a high dollar product I believe will be taking off this fall. I also developed a lens with lots of content, a couple of videos, and a personal review based on my research.  Now all I have to do is write articles and develop a product review blog or web page for links and back links and I think I can get it first page since there appears to be only a little competition currently (We will Se
April 09, 2010
I was just adding posts to two of my blogs today, both have been up about three weeks. I decided to take a look at AdSense accounts and was surprised. First blog 97 impressions,  3 clicks, $1.33 income. Second blog  169 impressions,  1 click, $0.67 income.  I have not had a sale yet but I am starting to get some traffic so that Elusive First Sale may not be far off! And I have developed these for long term income stream so that they should continue to improve and generate inc
April 07, 2010
I was working on a new lens and trying to add a link to a site in a module. When I was done I clicked Publish and a message popped up stating that I was over the 9 link limit to the same domain.  There are only 3 links on the lens! One to my website, one to an article I just had published and one other link. They will not let me add any links to this lens with the same message coming up every time no matter the URL.  Is anyone else experiencing this?