Remember the blogs!

Last Update: April 09, 2010

I was just adding posts to two of my blogs today, both have been up about three weeks. I decided to take a look at AdSense accounts and was surprised.

First blog 97 impressions,  3 clicks, $1.33 income.

Second blog  169 impressions,  1 click, $0.67 income.

 I have not had a sale yet but I am starting to get some traffic so that Elusive First Sale may not be far off! And I have developed these for long term income stream so that they should continue to improve and generate income. My first $2 this is COOL.

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Jeremy35 Premium
cld111 Premium
Think if you had 50 or a 100 of these blog sites... That $1 adds up!
Louise M. Premium
That's a start!
Big numbers coming your way for sure! :)
Not2Late Premium
Every penny counts :) :)