My first lens

Last Update: March 26, 2010

I have been working on my lens and have added content and back links to my articles. My lens rank went from 800 to 712 overnight before I worked on it today. I wrote another article and had it published and my other articles are starting to get traffic (Woo Hoo). No sales yet but this (My first) lens should be a long term provider. I have provided the hyperlink so that others could take a look and maybe get ideas as I think it is close to being ready.Not bad for less than two weeks I think.

Let me know what you think of the lens.

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kadcpp Premium
I added more pics and content! Went to # 359 ranking today.
kadcpp Premium
Last night rank went from 712 to 512. Getting there!
Wootton Premium
I went to it a rated it, one thing though. you need more pics in your paragraphs. I know HTML code pretty well and i can copy some and send them to you so all you have to do is copy and paste them where you want. that how i did mine.
kadcpp Premium
Thanks for the information it is truly appreciated!
JaredB Premium
Looks good! You should be able to find a related Clickbank product to market and throw in some linking text.

Make sure your keyword phrase is 1-2% of the text. It is also recommended at WA to unmax your lens so that the content is the focus. Good luck!