Posts by KemanS 22
March 25, 2010
Hey there!! Kev here with more good news! I sat down after some supper last evening, and went into ClickBank to look for a link and then....BOOM...there it was!   A Sale! Wahoo!! I haven't made a sale in CB for a loooooong time. Then, my first site (which was/is a CB product) I made up The Commission Ritual way was slapped down by Miss Google. It ended up way way freaking down in the caverns of Google hell. I know why and have learned from my mistake. (Too many backlinks from Keywordlu
March 23, 2010
Hi! I wanted to let you in on the good news...I am making sales!! Wahooo!! I made 2 sales last week and 3 yesterday, and even though I am not getting rich, I am making money. They pay very good (15%) but the items themselves are small. is a start and I am happy!! I got them through sites I built through The Commission Ritual and the new course 3 Hour Profit Plan.  The cool thing is that the site isn't even ranked number one, just imagine what it could do if it were. Thank you to e
OK, I am looking for help and guidance on these stupid new FTC guidelines. Does anyone know what we bloggers have to do?  Is there a course or something in here I can get some guidance? If anyone can shed some light on this for me, it would be greatly appreciated.   Kevin 
Hi there,  I thought the last post would be my last, but I seem to have until the 27th, and after a good nights sleep, and a couple of good meals... ...I am ready for another round   (((DING)))(((DING))) This is my dream, and I will continue to go after it!  Life just gets hard sometimes, just a fact of life. Sitting around bitching, whining, moaning, and complaining doesn't help. Fighting for your dream, working hard, determination, and faith will help you win.  I've been
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March 08, 2010
Yes, this is my last post in here and is my Good Bye.  I am only making a little bit from my new blogs right now and my student loans are taking what little I do make. I don't have a job outside of I.M. I was hoping that this would produce more. But those idiots in the Washington have things so screwed up in the economy that my sales have dried up.  Honestly, financially it is bad here...all I will say about that.  So, I have to cut all the corners I can and that means my membe
March 05, 2010
Hi there! Friday is here! Not that this means anything to those marketers like I who work 7 days a week on this stuff. But, hey...I love it and it is a good clean activity and I like to work hard.   Anyway, I wanted to post some tools I had recommended to me and they are very useful for us in our biz of IM. I am sure that many of you already use these, or know of something better but these are very good nonetheless.  The first is: SEO Quake It is a great tool that will show you a
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February 26, 2010
I test drove a free spinner I found online called Jetspinner. For a free one, it was very good.  It has a thesarus, is pretty straight forward, but there needs to be a "how to" ebook or something. But, for my first time using one, it wasn't bad. I had to keep going back and correcting the mistakes I made, but no biggee.  After a few hours, yes...hours, I hit the button and got 50 articles! Not bad for a few hours of work huh? How long would it take me to write 50 articles on
February 26, 2010
Got my second sale, wahoooo! I am going to turn my focus back to that niche and see if there are other good keywords there I can take aim for. It is a somewhat seasonal avenue, so I want to get on that quickly.   All for now, time to get back to work.  Kevin 
February 24, 2010
Yes I have my First Sale!! Wahoooo!! I haven't been in here for a while because of working hard on my IM and I've been going to Brian Johnson's Mentor's Forum he has for those members of his Commission Ritual Course.  I was shocked when I first seen it and had to do a double-take, LOL. It was from a small site that was only a month + old. Not bad.   Man! That is a great feeling! I also have a small adsense check coming, that is nice too.  I have so many ideas now that I wish
February 05, 2010
My one site that has no affiliate links because they have yet to process the now earning adsense. Not much but it is a start. I got 2 clicks yesterday and one already today! That site isn't even ranked at the top either, good signs my friends.  We are getting one big snow here, it started snowing around 11 a.m. and it is still hammering it down. Wasn't accumulating much at first but is now.  Kevin