Does anyone know about these new FTC stuff?

Last Update: March 17, 2010

OK, I am looking for help and guidance on these stupid new FTC guidelines.

Does anyone know what we bloggers have to do? 

Is there a course or something in here I can get some guidance?

If anyone can shed some light on this for me, it would be greatly appreciated.



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kemanS Premium
Great info...thank you. I also found the FTC book thing and read it. about vague and double-speak.
LittleRhody Premium
if you go to and scroll down the page you will see a series of videos released by the FTC that you can watch. They are only a couple of minutes each video. Plus info for putting your ftc disclosure together.
kemanS Premium
Thank you very much!!
stanleytjim Premium
Here is an interesting read
I hope this helps you!