Good Bye...

Last Update: March 08, 2010

Yes, this is my last post in here and is my Good Bye. 

I am only making a little bit from my new blogs right now and my student loans are taking what little I do make. I don't have a job outside of I.M. I was hoping that this would produce more. But those idiots in the Washington have things so screwed up in the economy that my sales have dried up. 

Honestly, financially it is bad here...all I will say about that. 

So, I have to cut all the corners I can and that means my membership in here has to go. Sad but true.

The good news is that Commission Ritual with the one time fee included me in that forum and I can get my help there.Plus, those sites are doing pretty good in the rankings and I made over 5 bucks last week in adsense.

I will miss this place, and all you people. is just the way life has to be for now. 

Hey, life is hard sometimes...and sucks sometimes too. Just the way it is. You gotta put your dukes up and keep on swinging. 

I'll just keep working hard, and never quit. 

 Good bye, see you later...Lord willin'

All for now,

Kevin :-(

"sometimes in life all you have is prayer and faith in Jesus " ... me



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needHim Premium
Sorry to see ya go Kevin. With Jesus anything that happens here is so insignificant compared to the glory that awaits for those who love Christ. The Best, Tom B.
jatdebeaune Premium
Look forward to your return.
sox1n05 Premium
Hey Kevin, best of luck to you and just remember that you are welcome back ANYTIME!

Take care man.
macklc Premium
I just got here and feel sad that you have to go. I'm sure God has a great plan set for you. Keep the faith and keep your eye on the prize. Take care.