Test drove a free spinner

Last Update: February 26, 2010

I test drove a free spinner I found online called Jetspinner. For a free one, it was very good. 

It has a thesarus, is pretty straight forward, but there needs to be a "how to" ebook or something. But, for my first time using one, it wasn't bad. I had to keep going back and correcting the mistakes I made, but no biggee. 

After a few hours, yes...hours, I hit the button and got 50 articles! Not bad for a few hours of work huh? How long would it take me to write 50 articles on my own? Way longer than a few hours!

Now, once one gets the hang of it, it would go pretty fast.

I will say this though...if you have the money to buy The Best Spinner...get that!

If you don't have the money for that sotfware...I would give this a try. 

It has a free and paid version and I got an email that he included a limited version of his Jetsubmitter in the free spinner. You can submit like 20 spun articles with the free version. 

Just giving you a blow-by-blow so you can be informed of my perspective. 


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kemanS Premium
Hey Paul, I added you as a buddy also. What a spinner does is you put an article in it you have. Like let's say you have one from Travis in here, or a PLR, or one you have written and posted before. You copy/paste it in the spinner and after you do some work. You hit 'spin' and it will create an entirely new article for you. Now this spinner I tried and reported on...will submit to some directories for you. I didn't do that, I just used the spinner to create some fresh articles. Now there are some spinners you can pay for that are supposed to be better and easier. I have seen one called The Best Spinner and seen it in action..DUDE! It is so so easy to use. But, it doesn't have a submitter to it. There are other more expensive packages that will spin and submit to a load of directories.
Hope this helps.
kemanS Premium
Sure...I'll give it a try. I added you to my buddies list, hope you don't mind.
valeri Premium
Great feedback!

You should test drive my new software that you can just paste your article with spin tags left in it , it understands these ones ... {|} You can paste the article with the tags, spin the title of your article also and enter the post tags in to my software and it will post to your wordpress sites... Anyways test it here ... http://automaticblogpostingsoftware.com

Good luck :)
kemanS Premium
Your welcome, trying to help whoever would need a free service of this kind. I know one thing...I will be getting The Best Spinner as soon as I can!
Louise M. Premium
I personnaly use The Best Spinner which I find just perfect but thx Kevin for sharing a free tool ;) !