Learned Something Else New

Last Update: January 17, 2010

Yes, I learned something else last night during the making of another WP blog. I had the FTP software fired up and was uploading some new themes that are optimized for better performance. 

Well, to make a long story short, due to some technical difficulties I learned that WP has an option in there where you can take any zip file and download it directly to it from your computer...without needing special FTP software. 

They have this for the themes and the plug-ins. Like if you wish to upload Keywordluv to your WP blog for its power and benefits, just go get it for free, and have the zip file where you can remember it is, and a couple of clicks and you have it on there. Literally. 

Wanted to share this with y'all...hope it helps. I know this isn't a very technical explanation, and for that I am sorry, if life slows down I will see about making up something better. 

Have a great rest of your day!


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