I am a beginner and I have several doubts...

Last Update: May 01, 2012

I am a beginner with zero experience and I don't have any computer's systems studies so I have a long way to go. I have read a lot and I understand how the process works I mean, choosing the niche, the keywords and creating a website that we can create on wordpress and so on. But I am kind of stuck in the basic thing: what is the path in this WA? My questions basically are:

1.- Do I have to write articles on Street Articles to make money? and how that works? I mean I know how to write an article and all that stuff but how do I make money on it?

2.- What is the mechanism to make money with my own webpage)?

3.- If I write an article on Street Article I cannot put the same article on my webpage?

4.- Do I have to write articles on Street Articles or is just an option??

I know these are a lot of questions and maybe very basics but I have no experience whatsoever.
I want to be a gold member but I want first be able to understand how all this work. Thank you very much for your support and patience!!

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Deezdz Premium
Hi there Lorette. Behealthy, Sielke and mcman187 have all done a great job at answering so I'll extend a warm hello and welcome to the community! - Dee
Lorette Premium
Thank you very much Deezdz!!
Behealthy Premium
Hi Lorette. Welcome. The answer to all those questions are here in the training material, "wabinars" (on your left) and forums but I will answer them in a nutshell for you :)

1.- Do I have to write articles on Street Articles to make money? and how that works? I mean I know how to write an article and all that stuff but how do I make money on it?

No you do not have to. There are many ways to make money online. Street Articles is an article/authorship directory that can be used to get visitors to your website and help it move up the website listings (SERPs). When people type for instance, "how to make an edible chocolate shoe" into Google, webpages and articles are shown within the search results. Those articles and websites may contain banners, pictures, texts etc that have affiliate links in their coding that will take the visitor to someone selling the ingredients or utilities to make the "edible chocolate shoe". Those affiliate links are unique to you. When someone buys an item from your link, you will be credited with a commission. The amount of commission you get would be outlined by the affiliate vendor.

2.- What is the mechanism to make money with my own webpage)?

You recommend items/products/services etc to your visitors (see above on one way to get visitors) and people in your newsletter/email list on your webpage. You locate affiliate merchants like Amazon or Clickbank (there are loads of them these are just two popular examples) and signup to their program to recommend products etc, that will benefit and help your visitors and email list.

3.- If I write an article on Street Article I cannot put the same article on my webpage?

No. This is considered duplicate content. You can re-write the article using rapid writer here in a different manner, use a similar heading but take care in writing content that is unique or find someone here that can write articles for you via the projects link on the left column (outsourcing).

4.- Do I have to write articles on Street Articles or is just an option??

No. It's an option. Stick around and signup to the 30 day success club and you will see things clearer.

Lorette Premium
Wow! thank you very much for your extense response, I cannot believe how much people have taken care of me today with my questions! I really appreciate it Behealthy!!
Sielke Premium
Lorette, you don't HAVE to write articles for Street Articles to make money. Basically, by writing articles for Street Articles you are starting to build backlinks and followers. It helps to give you a push in search engine rankings and traffic.

To make money on your site you can do a myriad of things, sell products or services. You could also sell advertising space or sell other peoples products or services (affiliate marketing).

It's not that you can't put the article on your site and Street Articles but it's definitely not recommended.

Honestly, this site is great because there's a community with many perspectives. You can get feedback on what you're trying to do before you go and do it. You can also contribute what you learned on your own. There is a great beginners guide "30 Days to Success" but really, just know it's not a get rich quick scheme. This is hard work but its a lot easier if you have all this support.
Lorette Premium
Hi Sielke, thank you very much for your answer. I appreciate how everybody gives me input about my doubts so I understand when you say this is a community, it really is. I have read the 30 days to sucess and a bunch of other things but I was really stuck in those very basic points that you and other members just wisely answered me. I know this is a long way to go in my professional career, I am Marketing Specialist but never got into internet business so is never late to start. Thank you very much again for your help!
mcman187 Premium
OK you don't have to write articles on street articles there is a bunch of different article directories out there you can submit your article too. You make money by signing up for affiliate programs, the purpose of your articles is to drive traffic to your site.

Whatever product you are promoting when visitors come to your site and they click on your affiliate links it redirects them to your vendors site. If they purchase the item that you are promoting through your link u get a percentage of that sale.

The reason you cannot put the same article on your website that u wrote on street articles is cause that is called duplicate content and Google or no where else allows that.

I hope this helps if you need any more questions answered i will be glad to answer them for you.
Lorette Premium
Thank you very much mcman187, I really appreciate you taking your time for answering my doubts and giving me more clear ideas about how this works. Thanks again my new friend!
tpriem Premium
Lorette, I too am new. I appreciate your questions, cause I've wondered some of them myself. Looking forward to see how your questions are answered . . . .
Lorette Premium
I am happy to know I am not the only one! at some point I felt too lost but I already had one answer from a kind member and he sent me a link to check out, is this: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/563

good luck my friend!