The 80/20 Rule on Squidoo

Last Update: June 15, 2010

There is an 80/20 rule that seems to apply to everything.  80% of people don't like their jobs. 80% healthy to 20% non healthy eating 20% of your customers will give you 80% of your sales etc.  All the books agree there is this invisible rule running through everything.

Perhaps others don't have this result.  But all my Squid groups are the same, each batch of 20 the top ones do well then no matter how much work goes into the others they trail to smaller and smaller amounts until Poof! they reach 0!

I read Paul McKenna and in his book he said that by improving that 20% of his business was how he became wealthy and super successful in business.

One hundred groups of 20 all making $10 per month = $1000pcm.

Hmm something to think about!  Not a lot per group, but all adds up, plus each one will bring in affiliate commissions.  Now $30 per group!  $3,000pcm.  Is that worth the hours of work?

Really something to think about.  Small fry perhaps in the IM world but a start.

Don't Worry, Be Happy!


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DABK Premium
If you toss out the 80% that gives you 20% of your results, you're way ahead. What if you take the 20% that give you 80% of your results and you keep only the 20% that give you 80% of the results of this group? Might you end up in heaven before you're due?
phbreez Premium
good one......thanks Phil
moonvine Premium
I agree, Moonstone. I seem to spend the most time updating my top 20% of lenses because they are the most successful. From time to time, I grab one from the lower ones and try to help it move up, but most of the time I am working with that top 20%.