To leave or not to Leave?

Last Update: June 01, 2010

So I have now been offered a very good job that quadruples my income.  This also trains me further in internet marketing - so why am i hesitating?  Fear, possibly or perhaps my priorities have changed and I love the way of life I have now.  Do I do the responsible thing or do I continue to slog at WA picking up scraps?  If i do this i have virtually no time for WA or anything else either.

Why does every fibre of my being scream out againts it, should i listen or should i go with my gut?  A decision that will result in bankrupcy and a very tight budget.

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ana_nimoss Premium
Don't be another Hamlet and end in tragedy. Could not resist....sorry. Why not do both? See how you like the work, and do this a little. If you try, you would not regret. Good luck!
Garage667 Premium
Moonstone whatever we say YOU are the one who is going to make the right decision!Because you know what is best for you,right?I ve got to congratulate you because-as my friend Maureen says in her comment-this is a reminder of how much your time and skills worth!Hope to make the right decision for you!
jatdebeaune Premium
Moonstone, Make a pros and cons list and fill it in honestly. Your decision is very personal. I'm a big proponent of having your cake and eating it too. Hard to give up freedom. Money is a necessity too. What kind of freedom is it to worry about bills? Wonder if there is some middle ground. Just being offered this opportunity is endorsement of your skills, and you should be feeling really good about it. I know you'll make the right decision. I've never made a mistake when I've followed my gut. Yet.
maureenhannan Premium
Congratulations, Moonstone. This is wonderful news--a reminder of how much your time and skills are worth.I know you'll make the decision that is right for you--just know that you'll be missed if you leave!