20905 Visitors!

Last Update: July 08, 2010

Can you imagine 20,905 visitors to your Squidoo lenses?   Lensmaster Katinka shares her traffic statistics and her income stats straight from her Squidoo dashboard at


She also provides super lenses to visit to learn how to do what she is doing.  We all need to learn from these Squidoo experts and she is one of the best!

Also, I was reminded this morning of A Squid Is Born  - This lens is being featured at Squidoo Marketing today as one of the most helpful and inspiring lenses out there.  Bev is a personal friend, and it is a delight to see her featured.  This lens is also filled with super resources.  

 I often think about this little blog, and I really do not want to bore you with tons of links but there are some lenses you simply have to read!  lol   

There are also places to post your lenses when you make them.  Backlinks! Here is one of my favorites



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reefswimmer Premium
hi and thx for the link to Katinka's excellent teaching, and to your good buddy Bev.

note to raghav: there's several tutorials right here in WA, on Squidoo. Also check the WA forum under the topic Squidoo. and of course check the teaching at Squidoo itself. Gotta follow all their rules, some of which recently changed. Study carefully how to get people to click thru to your money-making site.
Diane, reefswimmer
iFaith Premium
Thanks Joan!
raghav Premium
all you need to do is write articles and submit in squidoo ...do you make money by submittimg the articles...
raghav Premium
can you please let me know how exactly you can make money with squidoo ...it looks like good site..