My Last Day at WA

Last Update: August 30, 2010

Farewell, folks!  I hope you all make a fortune and make all your dreams come true!  I have learned from you and appreciate your friendship and warm welcomes.

I hope I will continue to see some of you on line at Squidoo or on your blogs!

Thank you all!



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reefswimmer Premium
aloha and mahalo-----you have shared much with us during your time at WA... I really like the hummingbird lens you referred us to at Squidoo. It lifted the bar there , showing a whole new level of what is possible.
best of everything to you,moonvine
Diane, reefswimmer
yarddog Premium
Wishing you the very best and Good Luck!
Jamie Smith Premium
Wishing you great success in 2010 and beyond!
jatdebeaune Premium
Please let's stay in touch. You will be missed here. All the best to you Joan. We'll be communicating.
wildflower40 Premium
Sorry to see you go but hope that where you are going is taking you to great success and much happiness!! I thank you so much for your help and will visit you at Squidoo. Angela